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Photo Journal
This was the first project I did at University. The purpose was to showcase my skills, in terms of Photoshop, but it was also about conveying an idea. Mine was to show how our analog world, captured in the polaroids in this case, is becoming brighter, more detailed and more polished through digital imagery. And then we can change it even more via Photoshop, sometimes creating distorted version of reality. 
Creating audio file using Audacity
The idea behind this project comes from the overwhelming feeling I have that we live in a dystopian world. We talk about progress, evolution and going forward, yet, for me, in more ways than one the world and societies are moving backwards. There is a division between us like never before. Once again, we are building walls - real and metaphorical. Ideologies of all kinds are pulling us apart. Under the illusion that, with all that information out there, we are all full of knowledge and possess critical thinking, each and all of us are making a stand. One that we sometimes share everywhere and with everyone for the wrong reasons - finding approval, ‘likes’ and ratings. 
Premiere Pro
Stop Motion

 Two projects I did using some of the programmes the Adobe Creative Cloud has to offer when it comes to manipulating images. With the first one, as it was my first attempt with Premier Pro and stop motion, I wanted it to be simple and elegant. Sometimes life can be really hectic and we need to stop for a moment and enjoy and appreciate what is right in front of us. The second one was my end of year assignment in my  Digital Media Foundations module which I did entirely by myself - the artwork ( who knew I can do clay!), the decor, taking all the pictures and then putting it all together. While there is a lot to be desired from this project, I am still really proud with it and I believe I can only improve from this point on.
Production   Journal
Blog about my media exposure and production process
This is my blog that I started when joining the Media and Communication course at Kingston University. It represents my exposure to different kinds of media and how I was managing my process, when completing some of my assignments. It shows appreciation to the practical aspect of my degree and showcases my critical and reflective thinking.
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